All calories, ARE THE SAME!!
All Calories, ARE THE SAME! Sorry not sorry‼️
World famous and arguably one of the most well respected Phds in nutrition science, Layne Norton, triggered the masses yesterday when he said “all calories are the same!”
How can this be true?! Calories from a Twinkie can’t possible be the same as calories from chicken or steak?!
ITS TRUE BECAUSE CALORIES ARE LITERALLY A UNIT OF MEASUREMENT!!! More specifically, how much energy it take to change water by a single degree. No different than any of unit of measurement, like seconds or miles per hour.
It’s like getting pulled over for speeding but then trying to argue with a judge that even though you tried to break a unit of measurement (MPH) the rules don’t apply to you because you drive sedan and not a sports car.
Nothing and I mean nothing stops the laws of thermodynamics! This is why you can literally eat anything you want and lose weight, there’s endless data to support this.
Now sure we should focus on more nutritious “fuel” and a better “engine” will effect performance of how the “vehicle” runs.
However, there’s no amount of perceived health benefits that magically break or change (MPH) the laws of physics. It doesn’t matter how “healthy” you think you diet is, if you’re in a calorie surplus, you will never lose weight!
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National Academy of Sports Medicine