There’s no finish line, only a life time.

Forget about the 75 Hard challenge, I just completed the 1,000 day challenge!

Many people will be jumping on the weight loss band wagon very soon and temped to try the 75 hard challenge. However, you may be setting yourself up for failure doing so.

It’s all in the name. Instead of looking for a quick fix that unrealistic to maintain, look at strategies that allow you become sustainable long term. Even if you do manage to complete 75 days, what’s your exit strategy?

If the idea of 1,000 days scares you, don’t let it, there’s no finish line here, only a life time. The reality is for continued results and progress, you can never stop, never give up, if you do, you’ll end up right back where you started or worse.

The time will pass regardless of what you do. So why not make the most of it. Send me a message today for personal training, nutrition counseling and online coaching 💪🏼 Health Specialist

Certified Nutrition Specialist

Certified Weight Loss Specialist

Certified Personal Trainer

Certified Behavior Change Specialist

National Academy of Sports Medicine


Sugar cookie marshmallow holiday pancakes!


Cookies, cakes, donuts & steaks!